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Official trailer

Official trailer

My involvement

I was a JUNIOR ANIMATOR on this project for both the Nintendo Wii and handheld/mobile versions of the game.

I primarily contributed CHARACTER ANIMATION, but I also helped with additional CHARACTER RIGS. Notable contributions include...


The first video game to bring the incredible world of record breaking to life and to your living room. Exciting and easy to learn game-play that will have kids, parents and adults competing to break each others records. Challenge your record breaking skills in up to 40 different record attempts to become the ultimate 'record-breaker' Compete with other record breakers online around the world to be the 'Virtual Guinness World Record Holder'. Be the best and get listed in the actual book!¹

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All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Views and opinions are my own.

¹ - Amazon UK December 4, 2020 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Guinness-Book-Records-Videogame-Wii/dp/B001GQ39MI

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